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Enrollment is now OPEN for the 2024-25 school year.

  • Summit Virtual Academy is a fully accredited K-12 public school serving approximately 400 students in NTPS. New enrollments are approved based on capacity.
  • Students in grades 9-12 only: Due to high school transfer credits, we recommend a start date of Semester 1 (September) or Semester 2 (February). Please call our office if you have concerns about enrollment periods (360-412-4908).
  • Current Summit students who live in-district will remain enrolled unless they withdraw and enroll in another school.

Are you ready to be a Learning Coach?

Before enrolling at Summit, please carefully review our student handbook and familiarize yourself with the requirements of online learning.

Read the student handbook

Summit Virtual Academy is an Alternative Learning Environment. The curriculum is rigorous and requires a full school day of learning online and offline. Students of all ages need the support of an actively engaged Learning Coach in the home environment. State law requires that we monitor "satisfactory monthly progress" and that students fully engage in learning to remain enrolled at Summit. The home environment is critically important to student success.

Learning Coach Average Time Commitments

Grades K-6 4-6 hours per day
actively supervising online classes and class work
Grades 7-9 2-4 hours per day
actively supervising online school schedule
Grades 10-12 1-3 hours per day
monitoring student schedule and online work

How to Enroll

To enroll at Summit Virtual Academy, you will need to complete three main steps:

  1. Complete the online Summit Application Form.
  2. Sign and return a Statement of Understanding.
  3. New to our district? You must also complete New Student Registration for NTPS Choice Schools using the paper forms below.
    Already a current NTPS student? You can skip this step.

Need to Unenroll from Summit?

To unenroll from Summit and return to your neighborhood school, please call us at 360-412-4908.

  • Chromebooks and all accessories must be returned to the Summit Office (305 College Street NE). We are open Monday-Friday, 7:30 am–3:30 pm.
  • All curricular materials must be returned directly to K12/Stride. Once your child is withdrawn, you will receive an email from K12 with instructions to return your materials and a list of what must be returned. A separate email will come from UPS with pre-paid labels to print and return your items.